Online Comic Con
Online Comic Con
This week would have been our 3rd year in a row exhibiting at New York Comic Con.
And we miss it. But more than the comic conventions, we miss seeing you.
But we understand that with the state of the world, we want you, all our friends and families to be safe over everything.
Even though sometimes the world seems a bit dark, it probably does right now, I still think we are lucky for being alive in the best years of humanity.
We can still be separated and connect with all our closest friends and families online.
So even though we cannot see each other personally, we will be having our small version of our booth at NYCC 2020 not 4 days, but for 10 days!
And we miss it. But more than the comic conventions, we miss seeing you.
But we understand that with the state of the world, we want you, all our friends and families to be safe over everything.
Even though sometimes the world seems a bit dark, it probably does right now, I still think we are lucky for being alive in the best years of humanity.
We can still be separated and connect with all our closest friends and families online.
So even though we cannot see each other personally, we will be having our small version of our booth at NYCC 2020 not 4 days, but for 10 days!
From October 8th to the 18th we will…
- Share all our new work and exclusives with you!
- Add more art to our website!
- Send you a free download of one of our favorite art pieces for you to print!
- Share some of our stories from this year!
- Create a new art piece with your input/ideas (you will need to join our online Facebook Secret Group “The MAZE Army” to participate)
- Do a giveaway and contest
- Offer our comic con pricing for the first time ever online
- Share more information about our comic book “The Mistakes” (Kickstarter coming November 1st!)
- Share our "Never Forget" Series
- Open our local art gallery October 17-18 (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)
- And much more!
Until then my friends..
Stay aMAZEing!
-Walid and the MAZE Team
Stay aMAZEing!
-Walid and the MAZE Team
By Walid Issa